Lincoln County Farm | Proudly Serving Central Oklahoma for 40 years

Bulletin Board


Lincoln County Cattle Producers Association (LCCPA) Bill Matthews Memorial Scholarship is now accepting applications! This scholarship honors two outstanding Lincoln County senior students who demonstrate a strong work ethic, active involvement in the agricultural community, and a commitment to continued education and innovation.

Our hatchery is currently sold out of all chicks except broilers. We anticipate more availability in late spring or early summer, but at this time, we are only able to book broilers. Thank you for your patience, and stay tuned for updates!

Expert Articles & Advice

Special Offers

We are constantly adding new specials to our site. Be sure to check back often!

Authorized Servicing STIHL Dealer

Stihl Dealer

Purina® Equine Videos

Mountain Guides – the Only Horses Tough Enough for Montana

The West is still being won. Go off the grid and on a journey into the wilds of Montana, with the only horses tough enough to tame them. 

Every Horse Deserves A Home

Equine rescue organizations are overwhelmed with taking care of the ever-growing homeless horse population.

Checkerboard Chat: Omegas - How do you know if your horse is getting enough?

You know your horses need omegas, but how can you tell if they’re getting enough? Visit this link to learn more about omega horse supplements and discover new ways to help your horses get these essential nutrients:

How Rescue Horses Are Finding Their Forever Homes

Jennifer Williams has always loved horses, but one holds a special place in her heart. Hear how she found her once-in-a-lifetime horse, Galeno. Visit https://www.ahomeforeveryhorse... to find a horse rescue near you.

Tips to Help Your Horse Beat the Summer Heat

Heat and humidity place an added burden on horses during training, showing and transporting. Especially during the busy summer travel and show season, it’s important to make sure your horse is not becoming overheated, stays sufficiently hydrated and remains comfortable, even when temperatures soar.

Hay Quality for Horses

Hay quality is directly tied to horse health as hay makes up the bulk of a horse’s diet. Learn which factors can impact hay quality and nutrient content. 

Strategy® Healthy Edge® Testimonial

Horse owner Alexis Gray tells us why she loves Purina® Strategy® Healthy Edge® and the wonderful results she has seen from it.

Stories of Greatness: Boyd Martin, Three-Day Eventer

Purina Ambassador Boyd Martin has succeeded in the face of incredible obstacles both in and out of competition. Broken bones, a burning barn, his wife’s head injury and even his father’s death, Martin proves no amount of resistance can stop a true champion.

3D Horse Digestion Guide

An educational tutorial on horse digestion, including how a horse breaks down food and the process of digestion.

Race Ready® with Horse Trainer Kiaran McLaughlin

Feeding the best race horses in the world requires the best horse feed.Trainer Kiaran McLaughlin and team trust Purina® Race Ready® horse feed to take them to the winner circle.

Caring for your Senior Horse: Head and Mouth

Dr. Chris Blevins, DVM, of Kansas State University Veterinary Medical and Teaching Hospital illustrates how to examine the head and mouth of a senior horse to determine their overall health.

How to Estimate Your Horse's Weight

Purina®'s Dr. Karen Davison describes how to use Purina® Weight Tape to get an accurate weight of your horse.